Wire transfers can be completed in a local branch or by phone by calling 803-469-8600 ext 2555. 

If you have never processed a wire transfer we will require forms to be completed. You can completed the attached outgoing wire form and send to card@safefed.org

Outgoing - $15.00  Outgoing wires are sent out several times a day until 4:00 PM.  Any outgoing wires received after 4:00 PM will not be processed until the next business day.

 Incoming - $10.00 - Receipt of the wire can take up to 24 hours; 

  1. Incoming Wires – must initiate them with the other financial institution. The incoming wire must come in with name and account number. An incoming wire must come in with 3 key pieces of identifying information (Account #, Name, Address OR Account #, 2 Names OR Account #, Name, Phone # ETC)  If it does not match, it will be sent back to the sending financial institution.

SAFE does not process any International wires.